A scheme so comical, it's criminal.
See Dix Hit the Line in Football and See Him «Score» in Love (Print Ad-Gazette and Bulletin, ((Williamsport, Penna.)) 27 October 1926)
A COLLEGIATE CARNIVAL of ROMANCE, MELODY and MADNESS! (original print media ad - mostly caps)
When Reality and Fate Collide...Could You Sustain?
One skin. One dream. One law.
Science flashes into action... thunders out of the laboratories with the underworld's newest foe! (video box)
A young soccer player gives an old soldier one last fight.
ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE! A Drama That Lays Bare the Secret Heart of a Lovely Woman! (Print Ad- Oakland Tribune, ((Oakland, Calif.)) 4 January 1934)
La película oficial de la XIX Olimpíada
The Anderson Monarchs, an inner-city girls traveling soccer club, transcend race, poverty, crime and stereotypes to successfully play the game they love