His sweetheart insisted that he be a man of action- do something besides clip coupons from bonds. For a husband she wanted the kind you read about-in books! So he started out to find adventure- from the Bowery up-and the first thing he knew he was "Alias the Chicago Kid" pinched for robbing his own house. -and in the meantime his rival was about to get away with the swag -and his Girl! (Print Ad- Pullman Herald, ((Pullman, Wash.)) 14 December 1923)
The faked murder that wins headlines! (Print Ad- Plattsburg Daily republican,((Plattsburg, NY)) 3 June 1933)
HOLY MACKERELL! WHAT FUN! The GAY RETREAT With Those Two Dizzy Doughboy Comedians of «What Price Glory» (Print Ad-Eugene Register-Guard,((Eugene, Ore.)) 5 December 1927)
AMERICA'S TOP TRIO - dish out the jive!
A Feast of «Joe E» Joy Done Up BROWN
The Body Was A.W.O.L.... and a House Party was on the loose!
The amazing sensation-attraction that will crowd every theatre in America.
"Angel" ...Diabolical Overlord Of Vice and Violence!
Tropical Isles, Hula Girls, Cannibals, Lions and Riotous Fun! (Print Ad)
He said he was a real he-man from the WEST - and she called his bluff
Meet The Girls Your Mother Warned You About.
A funny comedy about sad things.