Emotions stripped bare! Adventure beyond compare!
The Mission: Recover the World's Most Priceless Treasure. The Odds: Impossible!
A Three Ring Circus of African Thrills and Laughs!
Murderous Mau-Mau! Maddened Beasts! Mighty Jungle Love!
Hope invades Darkest Africa with the barest of essentials...food...water...and Anita Ekberg!
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the fire
Never Such Adventure-In the Jungles of India
Maniac Hunts Humans In A Jungle Hell!
Shattering Adventure That Boldly Explores the Jungles of the Heart!
ADVENTURE IDOL OF MILLIONS...on the screen at last!
FIFTEEN ELECTRIFYING EPISODES! (original poster-all caps)
Creature of the night
As savage as the beasts that raised her!