SHE WANTED LOVE! All Mary wanted from life was romance...and she fought for it tooth and nail!
The STORK MAY BE ALL RIGHT in his place...but his place isn't the Apartment of a Wifeless Professor at a Girl's Finishing School!
Calling All Agents! STAND BY FOR THRILLS! ADVENTURE! ACTION! (original print ad - many caps)
IT'S A LAUGH RUSH! (original print ad - all caps)
Has Scarlet met her match?
A Laugh-Packed CAST...PLUS...A Laugh-Packed STORY
IT JUST HAPPENED! They sought romance...and found love! (original poster)
Devil-may-care stunt man and buzz-saw movie queen! (original poster)
A Drama of Laughs A Comedy of Tears (Print Ad- Wisconsin News, ((Milwaukee, Wisc.)) 28 May 1931)
Every Couch Potato has its Day.