The unsinkable ship. The unthinkable tragedy. Discover the a whole new light.
The most fantastic undersea odyssey ever filmed.
Sometimes the truth gets carried to the grave. It's time to dig it up.
The Leviathan of All Talkies
Fantastic NEW Science Fiction Spectacle!
The story of a natural born vamp, who did nothing more questionable than a shimmy dance. IT'S A SCREAM. (Print Ad-Salt Lake Tribune, ((Salt Lake City, Utah)) 3 December 1919)
A Startling Drama of Today...and Forever! Timely as Today's News... Eternal With its Challenging Truths! (Print Ad- Rochester Times-Union, ((Rochester NY)) 6 September 1935)
No one expected a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. But many could have prevented it.
The Summerslam You Thought You'd Never See!
THRILLING SEA DRAMA! (ad for «Operation Disaster» - all caps)
it really happened!
The Sky's The Limit For Suspense
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