AVENGERS of the LAWLESS WEST! A trio of rampaging sons-of-guns...who strike terror into the hearts of outlaws and killers! (original window card poster)
A Rugged Romance of the Roaring West!
OUTLAW COWBOYS Waging war on the underworld rats that try to strong arm the West
DEVIL DOGS OF THE HIGHWAYS! (original poster - all caps)
Free as the birds and smooth as a snake, Bat Roberts is on parole.
Forget what you know.
The Go-Go Girls Who Go Too Far!
MYSTERY...MADNESS...MURDER! (original print ad - all caps)
ONE THRILL AFTER ANOTHER! (original poster)
We've widened the aisles so you can roll in 'em ... at the Years's LAFFIEST, DAFFIEST FUN-SHOW!
BLASTING THE LID OFF AMERICA'S REFORM SCHOOLS ! (original poster - all caps)
ACTION! THRILLS! ROMANCE! DRAMA! (original ad- all caps)
GREASED LIGHTNING STREAKS ACROSS THE TURBILENT PLAINS...when Tim lights out on the bandit trail..Stirring outdoor action packs this gripping, dramatic story of the West's tooth-and-nail fight against the lowest of low criminals - the water thief - it's ADVENTURE IN HIGH (original poster)
SMOKING GUNS SMOKE OUT NAZI RATS! (original one-sheet poster)
SHOCKING SUSPENSE...in the Smash Story of the Screen! (original poster)
We always have a choice, you just might not like the alternative.
'Gee, Joe, you're the swellest pal a guy ever had.' (original lobby card 2)