Американец немецкого происхождения

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «американца немецкого происхождения»
Ночь на Земле

Five Taxis. Five Cities. One Night

Дж. Эдгар

Самый влиятельный человек в мире

Спасительный рассвет

Вырваться из ада!


С пушкой по жизни

Ложное искушение

Все грязные секреты начинаются здесь...

Париж, Техас

A place for dreams. A place for heartbreak. A place to pick up the pieces.

К востоку от рая

Of what a girl did . . . what a boy did ... of ecstasy and revenge!

Спасательная шлюпка

Who goes Primitive first...A man...Or a woman...adrift in an open boat ?

Кровавый ручей

In the early '40s, Adolf Hitler believed the occult held the secret to immortality. Almost a century later, the nightmare has awakened...

Парни что надо

By flying higher and faster than any other man had ever dared before, Chuck Yeager set the pace for a new breed of hero. Those that had just one thing in common...THE RIGHT STUFF.


It took two years to make; it gives you two hours of engrossing entertainment. You may hate it, as you hate the dangerous undercurrents of life, but you will be fascinated, thrilled, held spell-bound. (Print Ad-Daily Alaska Empire, ((Juneau, Alaska)) 20 January 1927)

Игра их жизни

America's finest moment in the world's greatest game

Лагерь для военнопленных №17

Hilarious, heart-tugging! You'll laugh...you'll cry...you'll cheer William Holden in his great Academy Award role! (from reissue print ad)

Свет во тьме

He needed to trust her with his secret. She had to trust him with her life.

Заснеженные кедры

First loves last. Forever.

Погоня с Дьяволом

In a No-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the Blue or the Gray... You fought for your friends and your family

Гордость янки

THE Private LIFE OF A GREAT Public HERO! (original print ad - mostly caps)

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