Фильмы и сериалы 1931 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1931 году
The Man Who Came Back

At last the return of America's two sweethearts, together again. (Print Ad- Hackettstown Gazette, ((Hackettstown, NJ)) 13 February 1931)

Вокруг света с Дугласом Фэрбенксом

Here's reality in the making, from all corners of this cockeyed globe. (Print Ad- Vancouver Sun, ((Vancouver, BC)) 29 April 1932)

The Viking

A drama of fighting love.


SHE SOLD HER SOUL FOR A TASTE OF LIFE! Her dream of Heaven ended when she awoke on Park Ave. with a headache! (Print Ad- Rochester Evening Journal, ((Rochester NY)) 21 August 1931)

Капитан Эплджек

Timid teatoatler until he took a shot of romance. He's the roughest, toughest, swashbuckling buccaneer that ever took a lady's love by storm- and made her like it. He'll scuttle your blues with the greatest combination of laughs and thrills. (Print Ad- Portsmouth Times, ((Portsmouth, Ohio)) 28 January 1931)

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