Фильмы и сериалы 1924 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1924 году
The Lighthouse by the Sea

Louise Fazenda fans, attention! A new Louise you never knew before. No longer a comedy star but a beautiful heroine, who wins the hero in the end. (Newspaper ad).

Святой дьявол

VALENTINO as a fiery young blade of the Argentine, The type of whirlwind romance that made him famous. (Print Ad-Perry Record, ((Perry,NY)) 20 November 1924)

Маленький Робинзон Крузо

THRILLS - ADVENTURE - FUN - A ragged kid from 'Frisco suddenly finds himself cast up on a desert island, a black cat his only companion - until - cannibals - attacks - the marines - the San Francisco police force - adventure - romance - thrills - and laughs with - JACKIE COOGAN in Little Robinson Crusoe

Дороти Вернон из Хэддон-Холла

Never was MARY PICKFORD So Gorgeously Beautiful As in This, Her Most Beautiful Photoplay-A Picture Filled With Tender Romance. (Print Ad- Watertown Daily Times, ((Watertown, NY)) 15 July 1926)

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