Фильмы и сериалы 1921 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1921 году
Beau Revel

The story of a man who gambled with love and a woman who made him lose. (Print Ad- The Janesville Gazette,((Janesville, Wisc.)) 5 October 1921)

Наручники или поцелуи

A wonderful story of an innocent orphan girl sent to a reform school for the guilt of her cousin. What the reform school did to her is very true of many of our present day reformatories. (Print Ad-Rochester Sentinel, ((Rochester, Ind.)) 18 March 1922)

Тайна алмаза надежды

The most sinister jewel in history.

Белый дуб

Here's Your Friend Again White All through! (Print Ad- Duluth Herald, ((Duluth, Minn.)) 28 January 1922)

Too Wise Wives

THE PARABLE OF TWO WIVES WHO WERE TOO WISE! (Print ad-Sunday Times, (( Sydney, NSW)) 7 August 1921)

The Faith Healer

Flaming with holy zeal he came from the hills to flay society's sins. And saw the woman- and loved her! Then her own lips told him the life had led, and-? Come see what sort of man he was! A story of things that give human life a soul (Print Ad- Beaver Falls Tribune,((Beaver Falls, Penna.)) 4 June 1921)

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